
Map backgrounds for battles added. Should change as you go through the levels.

Boss battles added on level 5, 10, and 20. The Atlas Moth, their ability picks randomly between 6 different abilities. Boss levels come with different background music. 

Working on the final boss now. 

Many bugs and abilities tweaked since the last time. New spell added: Summon, creating small termites. The higher the round the more it makes. 

Many cool downs adjusted for the abilities. 

I realized the cooldowns weren't actually working as intended. They didn't speed up when you went into fast forward and they were not really matching realtime at all. Fixed both of these issues.

Graphically, made the rotations a little better and fixed an issue where there was sometimes some small 'bleeding' of textures. As well as adding the ability for bugs to be different sizes - as you'll notice with the termites and the atlas moth.


BugBattle.zip Play in browser
14 days ago

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